Best cat toys for bored cats

Are you tired of seeing your feline friend lounging around the house all day with nothing to do?

It's important to keep your kitty mentally and physically stimulated, and one of the best ways to do this is through play. But with so many cat toys on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best ones for your bored kitty.

Fear not, dear cat owner! We have scoured the internet and polled fellow cat lovers to bring you a list of the top cat toys that are sure to keep your furry friend entertained. These toys are not only fun for your kitty, but they also encourage natural hunting and stalking behaviors, which can help reduce destructive tendencies and improve overall behavior.

Here are the best cat toys for bored cats

Laser pointers

Laser pointers might seem like a no-brainer, but they're still one of the most popular and effective toys for cats. The unpredictable movement of the laser dot mimics the movement of prey, which can keep your kitty on their toes for hours. Just be sure to use the laser pointer responsibly and never shine it directly into your cat's eyes.

Wand toys

Wand toys, also known as "fishing rod" toys, are another classic choice for cats. These toys typically consist of a flexible rod with a string attached to the end, and a toy (such as a feather or stuffed animal) on the other end. The toy is moved around in a way that encourages your cat to chase, pounce, and swipe at it. Wand toys are great for interactive playtime with your cat, and can provide both physical and mental stimulation.

Catnip toys

Catnip is a natural herb that stimulates the pleasure centers in a cat's brain, causing them to become more playful and energetic. Catnip toys, such as stuffed animals or balls filled with herb, can be a great way to pique your cat's interest and get them moving. Just be aware that not all cats are affected by catnip, so if your kitty doesn't seem interested, try one of the other toy options on this list.

Scratching posts and pads

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, and it's important to provide them with an appropriate outlet for this behavior. Scratching posts and pads not only give your cat a place to scratch, but they also provide a vertical surface for climbing and playing. Look for scratching posts that are sturdy and tall enough for your cat to stretch out fully, and make sure to place them in an area where your cat spends a lot of time.

Interactive feeders

Interactive feeders are a great way to turn mealtime into playtime for your cat. These toys typically consist of a puzzle or maze that your cat must solve in order to access the treats or food inside. Not only do interactive feeders provide mental stimulation, but they can also help with portion control and weight management for your kitty.

Hiding toys

Cats are natural hunters, and they love the challenge of finding hidden objects. Hiding toys, such as toy mice or balls, around the house for your cat to find can provide hours of entertainment. You can also try using a toy box or cardboard box filled with crinkly paper and small toys for your cat to explore and play with.

Tunnel toys

Cats love to hide and explore, so tunnel toys can be a great way to satisfy their curiosity. Tunnels can provide a safe and cozy place for your kitty to hide, and they can also be used for chasing and playing. 

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